Sunday, June 19, 2011

How I Met Your Mother - Season One, Episode Five

Okay Awesome
So thanks to the predictive power of flash-forwards (our future is their past) Ted will go deaf in this episode. Although the title makes no sense to me. It's not even a proper sentence.

Well, I stand corrected.
"Okay? Awesome!"
Damn title dropping all over the place. So I guess Okay is the hottest nightclub in town? Maybe the music is really loud and Ted goes deaf??
"A friend of yours named you?"
So even Barney has not been to this exclusive place. It must be full of women.
Racial diversity
I'd have to take a drink if I were playing the How I Met Your Mother drinking game right now. Because Lily's school children have been shown.

Lily and Marshall have been doing 'mature things' because Lily feels embarrassed that she spends all her weekends drinking beer at Mclaren's. So they're not invited then?
"She's fun, she's smart, she lives in the moment-"
"Translation: she's ugly, she's ugly, she ugs in the ugly."
 Lily thinks Ted's blazer is gorgeous but it's  kinda... purple?
I'm getting a Willly Wonka vibe
Barney has a strategy for picking up women.
It involves grinding
Marshall is not having fun at his adult party. Also he doesn't want kids. I wonder if Marshall and Lily will have kids sometime? I think I've seen one more episode of How I Met Your Mother where Marshall and Lily were hiding in the bathroom and Lily really had to pee. Although that might have been a different show. I guess I'll find out!

Ted said "this place is loud" so I'm liking my 'Ted goes deaf from loud music' theory! I bet he doesn't end up with Kelly because of misunderstandings caused by the loud music
Really, really, loud.
Kelly and Ted have some conversational misunderstandings while Robin is rejected by the VIP room and Marshall makes a fool of himself at the party.

So Marshall just jumped out the bathroom window (which looks way too small for him to fit through it) and is on his way out! But how will he get into Okay? Maybe he can be one of Robin's bitches too. Also that bathroom (which I'm sure we haven't seen before this) strongly resembles the one in my imagination in which Lily needs to pee. I'm excited for that episode to happen now that I know the backstory of the characters and stuff!

Ted has to pay $34 for two bears while Lily is bored by talk of Nora Jones. Wait, has Lily realised Marshall is gone yet? She must think that he's been in the bathroom for ages.


Ted is, the biggest fool EVER.

Just because the music is loud does not mean you should shout ridiculousness because obviously it will stop just as you shout "I'm wetting my pants!" I am actually apprehensive to watch the rest of this scene because I am cringing for Ted right now. 

Oh no Robin has now been left outside because the bouncers have changed! At least hopefully Ted will come out in a minute and they can hang
Coat-wench... Emma from Glee?!?
Now Marshall has bumped into Ted so he probably won't leave. Poor Robin.
Marshall has dental problems.

Lily has also jumped out the window and is also on her way to Okay, tho confront Marshall. What are the people left in their living room going to do?
Marshall is high on pills?
Now Lily and Robin have got into the club by flashing the bouncer. Not at all a sexist entry
"Those were the four greatest and only breasts I have ever seen."
Ted is chatting to coat wench, while Lily and Robin split up to look for Marshall.

But he's right in the middle of things...
Barney's grindee knows him and runs off horrified? Is it his sister i predict so
Also, Ted is wearing lots of coats for some reason
It was Barney's cousin Leslie and Barney makes Ted promise not to tell anyone. But Ted's just told his children in the future!

Why isn't Robin catching the taxi with them? I guess she lives in a different part of town.

And that's the end.

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