Saturday, June 18, 2011

How I Met Your Mother - Season One, Episode Four

Return of the Shirt
Hmm, what shirt? I don't remember there being a shirt in any of the previous three episodes. Not one that was especially important anyway. Maybe I'll find out through flashback.

Ted says that only one relationship can end in happily ever after, and the rest just result in people getting hurt. This involves someone getting hurt. So it's obviously not about the mother, then, is it?! Why are his children not ragin'
The shirt.
Ted wears the shirt to Mclaren's, where Lily and Robin think it looks good.

Barney wants Robin to say 'nipple' on TV. She's not keen.
"Step into my web."
I have a feeling that this isn't just a throwaway line though. Probably it will happen right at the end of the episode.

Ted's 'genius' plan to re-date one of his old exes is FILLED WITH DANGER, TED. Don't do it!
Danger, Ted Mosby!
Even though Ted's wearing a new shirt and everything, I think this is just another way for him to stay inside his comfort zone. He knows his exes, and they liked him once, so it's much easier to try an old girlfriend than it is to try and chat someone new up. But I can tell that this won't be the mother anyway, because of Ted's comments to his children.
"Hold on. There are only two reasons to ever date a girl you've already dated. Breast. Implants."
Oh, Barney, you are so great.

We are then treated to a quick run-through of Ted's old flames: Steph, who made 175 porn films in one month; Jackie, a hit-and-run driver; and Natalie, who is obviously 'the one'.

Robin has been called to her boss's office to receive a story at City Hall!
Robin is emotionally overwhelmed.
It would be pretty lol if it turned out that the story was about a boy stuck in a toy machine at City Hall

It's about a 50-year old hot dog stand AND ROBIN SAID NIPPLE!!!
How exciting!
How does Barney have so much money to give away all the time?!
And now Barney has whispered something in Robin's ear! I bet that will come up at the end of the episode.

Has Natalie seriously not changed her number in three years? Ted should just fb her

Oh man I'm not certain but I'm pretty sure Natalie is Amber from House!!!! I just Wiki'd it and I was right! It also said she was in two episodes so maybe she's in this one and the next one? Or maybe she comes back in like season 6 or something. Anyway I'm guessing Ted was a dick to her since she hung up on him.

LOL he dumped her on her birthday. Wait didn't the same lady play a character in Friends who was dumped on her birthday??

Yes, she did!!!!

Friends parallels are infnite

Turns out, Ted just left her a message. Whatta dick.
Wait, did Barney just say he's 35? That's quite a lot older than the others. But he has a younger sister?? Bet she turns up sometime to complicate things for Ted
"An occasion that was supposed to be joyous suddenly turned tragic when Ethel and Sadie Margolis, New York's oldest twins, suddenly passed away on this, the eve of their 100th birthday. [Pause] I'm a dirty, dirty girl."
I can't put the noise he is making into words
Robin's boss needs some dogly advice. And he's not mad at her for saying these things! So I reckon she will get even more extreme with them (although my predictions up until now have been a bit rubbish).

Ted goes over to Natalie's (with a giant stuffed animal??) to say sorry. She's not very keen. And now Ted has tricked his way in oh lol
Natalie was not expecting this!
Oh man. This show. Its crazy camera angles are always tricking me. Ted left his message while the room was full of all of Natalie's friends at her surprise party! I suppose Natalie has nursed this hurt for 3 years and, to be fair, Ted was kinda an idiot. Couldn't he have waited just one day?
Everyone looks happy...
Now Ted and Natalie are back together again. But I sense trouble. Surely Natalie can't be the mother?
Oh no Ted 'has to break up with her'. No you don't, Ted! BAD TED! BAD! TED!

I don't think you always fall in love with people straight away, Ted. Give it a chance, man!
"Wanna talk mature? I just wrapped up a live newscast by honking my own boobs."
You go, Robyn!

Barney wants Robyn to do some chant/dance about a sports player... something something. Idk, I imagine Robin will get caught/fired after this

It's Natalie's birthday again!!!!!!

Ted is the most hopeless love person, EVER.
"You've already given me the best present of all: I can trust again."
Staying single is looking pretty good right about now
Robin and Henry.
Robin's not going to do the dance, is she? Poor Barney.
Robyn just fell over lololol

Oh man, Ted just broke up with Natalie. But how will she react? It could go either way I reckon but she'll probably be mad
I am occasionally psychic
Yeah, she's really mad.
Oh god she knows karate
Tu meke pictures? Sorry but they're tu good

So one thing I do like about this show is they do drop little hints throughout the episode to things that are gonna happen in about 10 minutes. Maybe I should start paying more attention to everything, because I did not expect this.

Oh man Natalie must come back in like Season 5 or something probably with her new husband. Or something.

Phew, I'm 2.94% through! Only 132 eps to catch up to America! If I watch one episode a day, I should be caught up around the 27th of October. Which means I won't be caught up since Season 7 will have already started screening. But oh well.

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