Friday, January 28, 2011

Gone - Chapter Six

290 Hours, 07 Minutes
Sam, Quinn and Astrid are still walking along in the dark in what is a TERRIBLE IDEA. It's very, very quiet (no cars and things to make noise) and dark. They briefly consider the fact that there will soon be a lot of dead babies in the world but then put it out of their heads. Too much to think about.

Wait. Venus is missing?? Is this some alien thing? I'm loving how I have absolutely no idea what is going on right now. I anticipate an extreme plot twist soon.

They then have a conversation which I will reproduce here as it is win:
""Let’s keep moving," Sam said. "We should have brought bikes or skateboards." "Why not a car?" Quinn asked. "You know how to drive?" Sam asked. "I've seen it done." "I've seen heart surgery performed on TV, too," Astrid said. "That doesn't mean I'm going to try it." Quinn said, "You watch heart surgery on TV? That explains a lot, Astrid.""
LOL, yes Sam, that would have been clever. Astrid, <3 <3 <3. Forever.

Okay, now they're at the hotel tennis court and there's a weird 'membrane'? This is aliens, isn't it. Damn you Michael Grant. Is just just in a family of alien authors? The barrier is slightly reflective and cuts straight through the net. It burns Sam's hand when he touches it (WHY SAM, WHY) and Quinn has a little spaz and attacks it with a chair.

And now we switch to a new character, Albert. (What happened to about-to-be-eaten-by-vultures-girl? Did she die?) He goes into a McD's but feels bad about going behind the counter. He also gets WITTY LINES (reminds me of Quinn). All of Albert's family (including his wheelchair-bound mother :-( ) have disappeared. He decides to take control (I guess he counts as an orphan now? I'm loving all these badass orphans n the books I'm reading) and starts serving some other kids.

(I turned the page and the first word of the next chapter is 'Lana' so I'm guessing she's not dead yet).

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