Thursday, January 27, 2011

Anne of Green Gables - Chapter Nine

Mrs Rachel Lynde is Properly Horrified
I hope that this chapter lives up to my expectations because they are quite high! And now while flicking through the book I have discovered that chapter 16 is called: "Diana is invited to Tea, with Tragic Results"! I officially appoint chapter 16 my new 'chapter that I'm looking forward to' chapter.

Anyway, Rachel has been sick for two weeks but as soon as she's better she dashes off to Green Gables to check out Anne. Typical stalker behaviour. We learn that Anne has been exploring and 'made friends' with the spring, as well as naming all the trees and bushes. Matthew and Marilla are quite enchanted by her stories (although Marilla isn't ready to admit it yet).
"'Well, they didn't pick you for your looks, that's sure and certain,' was Mrs Rachel Lynde's emphatic comment."
Oh RACHEL. How rude!

OMG Anne just called her on it!!!! BAMF BAMF BAMF

OMG this paragraph has made the entire book worthwhile for me. And Marilla points out that calling an orphan skinny is offensive! Rachel is very offended, and tells Marilla that she's had 10 children (and buried 2 :-( ) to beat Anne with a stick. Oh dear.

Rachel then 'waddles' away (she's fat lol). Marilla tells Anne to stay in her room until she's ready to apologize, but she's on Anne's side because Marilla's aunt was mean to Marilla when she was little and Marilla was amused at Rachel's expression.

This chapter DEFINITELY lived up to my expectations. I actually do not want to throw this book away right now like I did before.

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