Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Doctor Who - Season Six, Episode Eight

Let's Kill Hitler
Except actually, let's not.
He was barely in the episode at all.
I have apprehensive feelings about this episode. Even though I've already seen it. I can't quite put my finger on why I didn't like it. All the plot twists were surprising and the acting was great (ILU RIVER XOXO)
I'm guessing this clip will be from Episode 13
But I suppose the reason that I didn't like it is that it was kinda a gimmick. Like The Next Doctor before it, once you've seen it and know the ending (or in this case, that Hitler has nothing to do with the storyline and it could have been set anywhere) it loses some of its magic. Mels/River was absolutely amazing though. As were Robot Amy, Hitler-punching Rory, the Doctor (as always (although not a fan of that whole poisoning plot)) and Rose! Who will always be my favourite of course. Next week's episode looks quite scary. Although it's written by Mark Gatiss, so you never know.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


So I haven't posted for two months, been kinda busy. But I couldn't wait to finish How I Met Your Mother so I've raced ahead and finished all six seasons. It's okay though because I have some plans!

  • Review new episodes of HIMYM as they come out. This gives me a whole week for each episode.
  • Do the same for Doctor Who, starting with Let's Kill Hitler in a few weeks time.
  • Start watching Battlestar Galactica which is apparently really good.
  • Finish Oliver Twist and Anne of Green Gables, and hopefully start another (more interesting!) book.
We'll see how that goes.